An Easter Poem I Wrote Thirty Years Ago

Illuminated Manuscript


During a spring snowstorm
I saw the brightly lit sign in front of a fruit market,
but laughed it off. April snowstorms
being conducive to cynicism.

But a brief flurry of crocuses two weeks later
chipped away at my doubt and then one day on the road to work
I was nearly blinded by daffodil and forsythia shine.

After that, doubt didn't stand a change.
Petunias, tulips impatiens pattered down,
catching in window boxes, along sidewalks.
Rhododendrons thundered in lavender clouds,
dandelions crackled in jagged lines across green lawns.

Oh, yes!
Our Lord reigns,
rains flowers.

Fruit showers, forecast for later in the summer,
came as expected.

Strawberries and raspberries gushed
through gutters, a Red Sea miracle.
Plums the size of golfballs pelted unprotected cars.
Bananas whirling like boomerangs filled the air.
Apples, peaches, pears came down like cats and dogs,
all together,
all singing a rainbow promise:
Our Lord Reigns!
Our Lord Reigns!
Our Lord Reigns!


  1. Why didn't this one make the cut for your book? It seems like it would fit quite nicely. Reminds me kind of of that scene from that movie I can't remember the name of now where it rains frogs. It would make a nice scene in a film itself.


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